
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
M. N. Ben-Eliahu, Hutchings, P. A., Glasby, C. J.1984Ceratonereis lizardensis n. sp. (Polychaeta; Nereididae) and Malacoceros indicus (Spionidae), from a Mangrove Habitat at Lizard Island, North Queensland. Pp. 91-97
M. N. Ben-Eliahu1975Polychaete cryptofauna from rims of similar intertidal vermetid reefs on the Mediterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Elat: Nereidae (Polychaeta Errantia)
M. N. Ben-Eliahu1976Errant polychaete crypto fauna excluding syllidae and nereidae from rims of similar inter tidal vermetid reefs on the mediterranean coast of israel and in the gulf of elat
M. N. Ben-Eliahu1980Nereidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) of the eastern Mediterranean and Sinai Peninsula, with an appendix on a new serpulid
M. N. Ben-Eliahu1989Lessepsian migration in Nereididae (Annelida: Polychaeta): some case histories
M. N. Ben-Eliahu1990Nereididae of the Suez Canal potential lessepsian migrants
M. N. Ben-Eliahu1991Nereididae of the Suez Canal - potential Lessepsian migrants?
E. Ehlers1897Polychaeten
E. Ehlers1901Die anneliden der sammlung Plate. [Fauna chilensis]
E. Ehlers1912Polychaeta
E. Ehlers1913Die Polychaeten-Sammlungen der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901–1903
A. P. Economides, Wells R. M. G.1975The respiratory function of the blood of Neanthes (=Nereis) virens (Sars) (Polychaeta:Nereidae)
J. C. Duchêne1984Reproductive biology of Boccardia polybranchia (Carazzi) [sic] in Kerguelen (Subantarctic Province)
J. C. Duchêne1985Comparative study of respiration in a north temperate and sub-Antarctic population of Thelephus setosus[Thelepus setosus] (Annelida, Polychaeta)ID - 6003
J. C. Duchêne1989Adelophagie et biologie larvaire chez Boccardia polybranchia (Carazzi) [sic] (Annélide Polychète Spionidae) en province subantarctique
J. H. Dorsey1981The ecology of Australonereis ehlersi (Augener, 1913) and Ceratonereis erythraensis Fauvel, 1919 (Polychaeta, Nereidae) living offshore from the Werribee sewage-treatment farm, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia
N. Dhainaut-Courtois, Dhainaut A.1974Gamma amino butyric-acid fubotenin and acetyl choline sub cellular localization in the nervous system of annelida polychaeta nereidae
N. Dhainaut-Courtois1968Etude histologique et ultrastrucurale des cellules nerveuses du ganglion cerebral de Nereis pelagica L. (Annelide polychete). Comparison entre les types cellulaires I-VI et ceux decrits anterieurement chez les Nereidae
N. Dhainaut-Courtois1970Contribution a l’etude morphologique des processus secretrices dans le systeme nerveux central et au niveau de la glande infracerebrale des Nereidae (Annelide polychètes). These
N. Dhainaut-Courtois1972Etude en microscope electronique et en fluoresence des mediateurs dicimique du systeme nerveux des Nereidae (Annélides polychètes)
N. Dhainaut-Courtois1972Morphological data relative to endocrine regulation of sexualization processes in the nereidae polychaete annelida
A. Dhainaut, Porchet, M., Fontaine, F.1980Yolk synthesis in nereidae annelida polychaeta
D. Desbruyeres1977Bionomie benthique du plateau continental des Iles Kerguelen - Macrofaune 6. Évolution des populations de trois espèces d’Annélides Polychètes en milieu sub-antarctique
H. K. Dean2001Some Nereididae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica
J. E. De Assis, Bezerra, E. A. S., Brito, R. J., Gondim, A. I., Christoffersen, M. L.2012An Association between Hesione picta (Polychaeta: Hesionidae) and Ophionereis reticulata (Ophiuroidea: Ophionereididae) from the Brazilian Coast
J. H. Day1971Polychaeta [Marion and Prince Edward Islands; report on the South African Biological and Geological Expedition]
J. M. Daly1973Behavioural and secretory activity during tube construction be {IPlatynereis dumerilii} Aud & M. Edw. (Polychaeta: Nereidae)
T. Daas, Younsi, M., Daas-Maamcha, O., Gillet, P., Scaps, P.2011Reproduction, population dynamics and production of Nereis falsa (Nereididae: Polychaeta) on the rocky coast of El Kala National Park, Algeria
C. Crossland1924Polychaeta of tropical East Africa, the Red Sea and Cape Verde Islands, collected by Cyril Crossland and of the Maldive Archipelago collected by Professor Stanley Gardiner, M.A., F.R.S. The Lumbriconereidae and Staurocephalidae
P. Cossu, Maltagliati, F., Lai, T., Casu, M., Curini-Galletti, M., Castelli, A.2012Genetic structure of Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta, Nereididae) from the northwestern Mediterranean as revealed by DNA inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers
A. Combaz, Boilly B.1974Etude experimentale et histologique de la regeneration caudale en l’absence de chaine nerveuse chez les Nereidae (Annélides polychètes)
A. Combaz1974On the function of the nerve cord in caudal regeneration of nereidae annelidae polychaeta
A. Combaz1974Sur la role de la chaine nerveuse dans la regeneration caudale des Nereidae (Annélides polychètes)
M. Chen, Wu, B., Huang, F. P.1995Ecology, reproduction and larval development of Spirorbis (Paralaeospira) levinson of the Great Wall Bay, AntarcticaID - 4050
S. Chambers, Garwood P.1992Polychaetes from Scottish waters. A guide to identification: Part 3 Family Nereidae
C. Cazaux1969Etude morphologique du developpement larvaire d’annélides polychètes (Basin d’Arcachon). II. Phyllodocidae, Syllidae, Nereidae
C. Cassai, Prevedelli D.1998Reproductive effort, fecundity and energy allocation in two species of the genus Perinereis (Polychaeta: Nereididae)
C. Cardon, Porchet M.1972Purification partielle d’une substance responsable de la retroaction genitale sur l’activite endocrine cerebrale chez les Nereidae (annélides polychètes)
G. Cantone, Sanfilippo R.1992Polychaeta from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica)
G. Cantone, Di Pietro N.1998A new species of Myriochele (Polychaeta, Oweniidae) from Antarctica, with considerations on the Antarctic oweniids
G. Cantone, Di Pietro N.2001Benthic littoral Polychaeta "Sedentaria" of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica)
G. Cantone, Castelli, A., Gambi, M. Cristina2000Benthic polychaets of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): species composition, biogeography and ecological role
G. Cantone1994Polychaete fauna of the Ross Sea (Antarctica)
G. Cantone1995Polychaeta "Sedentaria" of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) - Orbiniidae to Oweniidae (Annelida)
G. Cantone1995Polychaeta sedentaria of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) - Capitellidae to Serpulidae
J. I. Canete, Leighton, G. L., Aguilera, F. F.1999Polychaetes from Aysen Fjord, Chile: distribution, abundance and biogeographical comparison with the shallow soft-bottom polychaete fauna from Antarctica and the Magellan Province
F. Caner, Bertout, M., Krembel, J., Dhainaut, A.1981Action of the brain hormone on the synthesis of ’stable’ oocyte RNA in Nereidae (Annelida Polychaeta)
G. N. Buzhinskaya1980On the taxonomic status of the genus Micronereis Claparède, 1863 (Polychaeta, Nereidae)
G. N. Buzhinskaya1981On taxonomic status of the genus Micronereis Claparède, 1863 (Polychaeta, Nereidae)
G. N. Buzhinskaja, Smirnov R. V.2000Abyssocapitella commensalis gen. Et sp. N. associated with the deep-sea pogonophore Spirobrachia leospira Gureeva, 1975


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith