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Ceratocephale andaman Hylleberg & Natewathana, 1988
Subfamily: GymnonereidinaeGenus: Ceratocephale
Synonyms: 1
Prostomium with anterior margin indented. Longest tentacular cirri extend back to chaetiger 1–2. Maxillary ring of pharynx without paragnaths. Oral ring papillae present; solitary; 10 papillae present in total. Area V papillae present; 3 papillae; VI papillae absent; VII-VIII papillae present. Comprising a single row. 7 papillae. Oral ring paragnaths absent. In Ceratocephale spp, Area V and VI contain up to 3 papillae in total; these are here interpreted as all occurring in Area V, with VI=0,0. Transverse dorsal lamellae present (as low ridges, not raised lamellae); commencing chaetiger 5. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present. Dorsal cirrus length about 1–1.5 times ventral notopodial ligule at chaetiger 10-20. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present, at least on some anterior chaetigers. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral cirri paired. Commencing chaetiger 1. Notopodial homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers absent. Notopodial homogomph falcigers absent. Neuropodial dorsal fascicle fused falcigers absent.