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Platynereis australis (Schmarda, 1861)
Subfamily: NereidinaeGenus: Platynereis
Synonyms: 1
Platynereis australis was based on a single metamorphosed female collected from Auckland Harbour, New Zealand (about 37 degrees South) by Schmarda, and has since been widely reported, apparently occurring extensively across the Subantarctic. These reports need re-evaluation since Read's (2007) more circumscribed redescription.
Diagnosis: Secondary-tooth-tipped homogomph falcigers in juveniles, with replacement ceasing when about 50 chaetigers developed; homogomph falcigers absent in adults. Male heteronereid 2-part, 27 (26–28) prenatatory segments, pygidial papillae structure a complex rosette. Female heteronereid 3-part, 33 (32–34) prenatatory segments, eggs white to pale golden-yellow. Benthic atoke dark green anteriorly with some brown pigment on blunt thickened lobes of chaetiger 5–11, on prostomium, and oral proboscis ring.