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Aurospio foodbancsia Mincks, Dyal, Paterson, Smith & Glover, 2009
Small, spioniform polychaete of near-uniform width, holotype entire, 8.1 mm long for 51 segments, maximum width 0.27mm. Color in alcohol pale yellow, without pigmentatio. Prostomium anteriorly rounded, slightly longer than wide, extending to beginning of chaetiger 2 as a raised keel, without peaks, eyes or occipital tentacle. Nuchal organs indistinct. Palps grooved and extending to one-third body length.
Notopodial lamellae of chaetigers 2–3 enlarged, leafshaped and dorsally pointed, largest on chaetiger 3, shielding branchiae. Notopodial lamellae highly reduced on chaetiger 1, small and rounded on chaetiger 4, with low dorsal crests from chaetiger 9. Neuropodial lamellae of chaetiger 1 reduced to a small lobe, rounded on chaetiger 2, rounded and dorsally projecting on chaetiger 3, thereafter small and rounded. Branchiae on chaetiger 3, absent on all other chaetigers. Branchiae smooth, digiform, smaller than notopodial lamellae, often shielded and difficult to observe. Chaetae of three types: capillaries, hooded hooks and sabre chaetae. Anterior chaetae, to chaetiger 10, exclusively long capillaries, with those in anterior notopodia arranged in two rows, each of approximately seven chaetae. Granulated, thickened sabre chaetae from chaetiger 10, multidentate hooded hooks from chaetiger 11 in neuropodia and chaetiger 32 in notopodia. Hooded hooks, under oil-immersion light microscopy, with four visible teeth above main fang consistently observed; with SEM, hood and shaft covered with fine denticles with a total of 13 teeth observed in two rows. Largest and following two teeth in line, subsequently rows alternating with separation between teeth increasing. Up to five hooded hooks in each fascicle in proximal abdominal segments. Pygidium with one long medio-dorsal cirrus and two short lateral cirri.