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Branchamphinome antarctica Hartman, 1967
Family: AmphinomidaeGenus: Branchamphinome
Branchamphinome antarctica is a small polychaete (approximately 1 cm) with four large eyes, tripartite caruncle and oval body. Branchiae ramified in all segments (Hartman, 1967). The calcareous chaetae including serrated capillaries, furcated, harpoon and aciculae with lancet shape.
Small species from 8 to 12 mm long and 3.3 to 3.5 mm wide without chaetae; between 24 to 37 segments. Generally white when conserved in alcohol, except when pharynx is everted the buccal lips are brown pigmented. This amphinomid species has a double pair of prominent eyes, a long median antenna, a pair of lateral antennae and a pair of palps of similar length. Caruncle with three main lobes divided into several folds extending to second segment. Branchiae ramified from the first chaetiger to the end of body. Dorsal and ventral cirri are present both with cirrophores. Notochaetae including a variety of serrated capillaries, harpoon and aciculae with lancet shape. Neurochaetae including serrated capillaries, bifurcated and aciculae. Anal lobe terminal, short and rounded (Kudenov, 1993).