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Oligobregma quadrispinosa Schüller & Hilbig, 2007
Family: ScalibregmatidaeGenus: Oligobregma
It is a moderately large species, 8–11 mm long and 1.5–2 mm wide for 28 chaetigers. Its colour in alcohol is white to a light tan; the body is anteriorly expanded from chaetigers 5–13 (Fig. 3A).
Prostomium anteriorly bears 2 rounded lobes; no eyes or nuchal organs are apparent; the peristomium is well developed, and partially covers the prostomium, appearing as up to 3 rings; proboscis saclike, without papillae (Fig. 3B).
Anterior and middle chaetigers are quadriannulated, posterior ones with 5 annulations; anterior parapodial lobes are reduced, they increase in size towards median and posterior region; dorsal cirri of posterior parapodia enlarged, ventral cirri almost foliose (Fig. 4A–B).
Chaetigers 1 and 2 bear heavy acicular spines in notopodia, these are arranged in 2 rows; 1 additional row of acicular spines is present in the notopodia of chaetigers 3 and 4 (Fig. 3B); spines are smooth and sickle-shaped (Fig. 3C); capillary chaetae in all other rami, accompanied by furcate chaetae from chaetiger 5; furcate chaetae covered by fine hairs; tynes unequal in length, short tyne about ¾ of long one (Fig. 3D). The pygidium is terminal, ringlike; slightly pointed, bearing at least 2 long and slender anal cirri (Fig. 3A).
Holotype: Scotia Sea, South Sandwich Islands, east off Montagu Island, Sta. 141-10, 23 March 2002,
58°25.08’S, 25°0.77’W, 2258–2313 m, EBS (ZMH, P-24736)